{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ lang("title.basket.checkout") }}

{{ basket.price|money }} {{ basket.currency }}
{% for package in basket.packages %} {% endfor %}
{{ lang("basket.package.name") }} {{ lang("basket.package.price") }} {{ lang("basket.package.quantity") }} {{ lang("basket.package.sub") }}  
{{ package.name }} Click for more details {{ package.price|money }} {{ basket.currency }} {{ (package.price * package.quantity)|money }} {{ basket.currency }}

{{ lang("basket.coupons.header") }}

{% if basket.coupons|length > 0 %} {% for coupon in basket.coupons %} {% endfor %}
{{ coupon.code }} {{ coupon.description }}
{% endif %}
0 %}onSubmit="return submitCheckoutForm($(this));"{% endif %}> {% if checkout.requestAddress %}

Your details

{% endif %}

{{ lang("basket.purchase.header") }}

{% if basket.price > 0 %} {% if checkout.gateways|length > 0 %} {% for gateway in checkout.gateways %}
Click to checkout with {{ gateway.name }}. ({{ gateway.description }})
{% if gateway.offset != 0 %}
({% if gateway.offset > 0 %}+{% endif %}{{ gateway.offset|money }} {{ basket.currency }})
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% else %}

You need to add a payment gateway before players can donate.

{% endif %} {% elseif store.allowFreeBaskets %}
Click to checkout for free.
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}